“Shannon has so much fun doing cheer and hip hop with her friends! Thank you for offering this at her school!” -Shannon’s Mom
“Thank you very much for the time and effort you put in, and the skill building and fun your organization provides in your programs. You are awesome and much appreciated.” -Kyra’s Mom
“Stretch-n-Grow is clearly a valuable additional to our quality childcare program. I would recommend it to parents and centers alike.” –Carrie Elwell, Director, Kids ‘R’ Kids
Thank you for always being so great to Hannah!! She really enjoys cheerleading.” -Hannah’s Mom
“Annaliese loves your class and “teaches” her Dad and I the games. Thank you very much.” –Annaliese’s Mom
“It was so cute to see everything the girls learned this year. Coach Nelitza did a wonderful job with them, and I can’t believe how many cheers and dances those young girls knew! And you actually got them to get in front of the audience without looking nervous. I can tell you Sophia was super nervous in the morning and didn’t want to do it, so thank you both for helping her through that. Stretch-n-Grow has been a wonderful experience.” -Sophia’s Mom